Shop A2, 66 Condamine Street
Suite 4/175-183 Ferry Rd

Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) & Accredited Mental Health First Aid Officer

Member of Dietitians Association

Joanna received her Masters of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice from Bond University, graduating with the Vice Chancellors List for Academic Excellence and voted Players Players by her peers. She is also most recently a published author for her research on the Efficacy and safety of biophenol-rich nutraceuticals in adults with inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases or irritable bowel syndrome: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis”.

Joanna is a weight neutral dietitian who practices within the Health At Every Size (HAES®) framework. She has had experience working across private practice, clinical, community, food services and research. She can tailor dietetic and nutrition advice to all ages and addresses specific areas such as chronic disease management and prevention.

Joanna’s background has allowed her to develop a particular interest in the areas of oral, gut and skin health. Having worked in the dental industry for many years, Joanna has seen the impact poor nutrition can have on one’s oral health, and having watched her sister struggle with eczema, food allergies and intolerances, her grandfather pass from colon cancer, and her own struggle with acne and reflux. Joanna understands first-hand the importance of good oral, gut and skin health, and their impact on not only the individual’s overall health and wellbeing but their families too.

Joanna is a compassionate dietitian who prides herself on going the extra mile for her patients, and ensures that their needs are met whilst providing evidence based care. Joanna practices in the areas of chronic disease management, gut health, oral health, skin health and weight management through the HAES® (Health At Every Size) framework.

Outside of the clinic, Joanna enjoys spending her spare time with her family and friends, travelling and watching her husband get the grill and smoker running.

Joanna provides nutrition and dietetic support in...

Weight Management

  • Non – Diet (Health At Every Size)
  • Mindful & Intuitive Eating

Oral Health 

  • Mineral deficiencies
  • Texture Modified Foods

Skin Health 

  • Wound Healing
  • Acne

We accept all health funds and can claim rebates on the spot. Make use of your health fund benefits today 🙂